Summer Hours At The Robbers Library

by Sue Halpern (2018) October 2022 As you stand amid the rubble that was once your perfect life, what you always wanted and worked hard for, you wonder: what just happened here? Do I cry? Scream? Drown my sorrows in wine or Haagen-Dazs, or both? Leave the country?...

Books: A Memoir

by Larry McMurtry (2008) September 2022 Someone has to say it: Larry McMurtry was an over-achiever! ONE successful career is enough for most people, but not for McMurtry, who died in 2021. He’s most widely known for his popular books and other written materials about...

Senior Book Break July 2022

Subject: Artificial Intelligence and Robots Life: 3.0 Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence by Max Tegmark Our Reader found this book a little hard to read and did not finish it. The Hammer of God by Arthur C. Clarke After the discovery of an asteroid...

The Paris Bookseller

by Kerri Maher (2022) July 2022 Sylvia Beach, an American, fell madly in love with Paris when vacationing there with her family in her mid-teens. She spent nearly 15 years devising various plans for moving to Paris, finally settling on the idea of opening a French...