Papa’s Song

It’s way past his bedtime, but Baby Bear is wide awake. Nobody, it seems, can come up with the right lullaby to soothe him. Not Granny Bear. Not Grandpa Bear. Not even Mama Bear. Luckily, Papa Bear instinctively knows just what “song” will do. Today...

Aunt Nina, Good Night

When Aunt Nina’s nephews and nieces spend the night, they find a multitude of excuses for not going to sleep right away. Today on Story Time with Darlene, listen to the story “Aunt Nina, Good Night” written by Franz Brandenburg and illustrated by Aliki. Follow...

Time for Bed

Darkness is falling everywhere, and little ones are getting sleepy, feeling cozy, and being tucked in. It’s time for a wide yawn, a big hug, and a snuggle under the covers–sleep tight! Today on Story Time with Darlene, listen to the story “Time for Bed”...

It’s Time for Bed

Darkness is falling everywhere, and little ones are getting sleepy, feeling cozy, and being tucked in. It’s time for a wide yawn, a big hug, and a snuggle under the covers–sleep tight! Today on Story Time with Darlene listen to the story Time for Bed...

Bedtime in the Southwest

Every critter—even children—can balk at bedtime. Here, the adorable animals of the Southwest comically define what not to do at bedtime. Today on Story Time with Darlene listen to the story Bedtime in the Southwest written by Mona Hodgson and illustrated by Renee...