Moles Can’t Dance

Despite being told by all the other animals that moles cannot dance, a mole persists in trying and proves them wrong. Today on Story Time with Darlene, listen to the story “Moles Can’t Dance” written by Richard Edwards and illustrated by Caroline Anstey. Follow along...

Fish and Snail

Fish’s story (about pirates!) is too grand to simply be told: Fish wants to show Snail. But that would mean leaving the familiar world of their book—a scary prospect for Snail, who would rather stay safely at home and pretend to be kittens. Today on Story Time...

Bunny’s Noisy Book

One sunny morning, in a bright and busy meadow, Little Bunny wakes up. What does he hear? From the fluttering of birds’ wings to the buzzing of bumblebees, the sounds of Spring are all around him. Today on Story Time with Darlene, listen to the story Bunny’s...

Follow Me, Mittens

Mittens the kitten goes on a walk with his little boy, Nick. When Mittens gets distracted by a yellow butterfly, Mittens gets lost! New readers will enjoy this sweet story with a happy resolution. Today on Story Time with Darlene, listen to the story “Follow Me,...

Diary of a Wombat

Wombats are cuddly-looking, slow-moving Australian animals. Their favorite activities are eating, sleeping, and digging holes. Here, in the words of one unusually articulate wombat, is the tongue-in-cheek account of a busy week; eating, sleeping, digging holes . . ....

What Pet Should I Get?

What happens when a brother and sister visit a pet store to pick a pet? Naturally, they can’t choose just one! The tale captures a classic childhood moment—choosing a pet—and uses it to illuminate a life lesson: that it is hard to make up your mind, but sometimes you...